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Adult Education

Lifelong Learning

Learning at Temple Beth David is about sharing acquired wisdom, discovering new meanings together, empowering the individual and engaging community. Our programming ranges from formal learning opportunities to social get togethers. We hope to see you here throughout the year.

A message from Rabbi Benamy

Learning at Temple Beth David is  about sharing our views on Jewish texts and topics and listening to other perspectives. If you have a topic you want to learn more about please speak to me about how we can make that happen.

Shanah Tovah,

Rabbi Leah Benamy

Join Rabbi Leah in the TBD Social Hall for some learning, lunch and conversation as we explore different Jewish topics informally.

  • Temple Beth David
  • Weekly Wednesdays from 12pm-1pm 
  • Bring your lunch!

Weekly Torah Study

Join the best book club in town! Our weekly hybrid Torah study is fun, engaging and great conversation. If you can't come in person, join us on Zoom!

  • Temple Beth David
  • Saturdays 9am-10am 
  • Free
  • Coffee and bagels are provided

Please consider donating to our Education Fund.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785