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Mitzvah Garden

Can you change the world with a garden?

The Mitzvah Garden is an award-winning 1,156 sq. ft. impeccable growing space. Perfect orientation, perfect soil, superior irrigation and well thought out crop rotation and companion planting. Keep in mind the actual planting beds total 856 sq. ft. Our yield per square foot based on a 2,100 lb. harvest is 2.45 lbs.! The Rutgers Agricultural Experiment Station in New Jersey states: “As a general guideline, a Yield Expectation of 0.5 lbs. per square foot is a realistic value for Mixed stand, Small –Scale Agriculture.” We began this venture in 2011 and since then the garden has yielded thousands of pounds of produce! So far we have donated the fresh vegetables to Cheshire Community Food Pantry, Masters Manna (Wallingford), St. Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen (Waterbury), Shelter Now (Meriden), Jewish Family Services (New Haven), Southington Food Pantry, and The Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (New Haven).

All of our TBD gardeners believe our Mitzvah Garden is truly blessed. Their hard work over the past eight years has created the most amazing garden – aside from helping to feed our neighbors in need, the Mitzvah Garden itself has strengthened TBD’s inner relationships and bonds throughout our community. She has honorably earned her name.

We all take tremendous pride in our Mitzvah Garden. It has been recognized by the Cheshire Town Beautification Committee and received the 2016 Beauty Spot of the Month Award (Cheshire Garden Club). We were the recipient of a 2018 Walmart Foundation grant. In 2022 we will be partnering with Stuart Asbel co-founder of All Corners Farm, in order to expand our mission and better serve the surrounding community. For further information, please contact Larry Rosenfield:

L’ Shalom,

Larry Rosenfield

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785