Blessed Memories
02/20/2025 05:12:15 PM
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Dear TBD Family,
In place of our usual Shabbat-to-Shabbat column, we have collected loving reflections about Rabbi Micah Ellenson and his time at Temple Beth David. We hope they bring you comfort and inspiration. May his memory be for a blessing.
Rabbi Micah was one of a kind - he was a caring and insightful Rabbi and an amazing friend. He taught me to be a more open-minded, accepting, and introspective person. In...Read more...
Bones and Blossoms
02/13/2025 03:45:02 PM
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Towards the end of the book of Genesis, as the time of Joseph’s death draws near, he extracts an important promise from his brothers. Joseph asks that they, or their descendants, carry his body with them, up into the land that was promised to their forefathers… whenever that day should arrive. While his father Jacob had asked that he be laid to rest with those who brought him forth, Joseph, whose...Read more...
Sing It Forward
02/06/2025 05:04:54 PM
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As many of you know, tonight is “Scout Shabbat.” So in addition to TBD members and guests, we’ll welcome area scouts (some from our congregation) and their leaders to learn more about the adventures, values and learning that scouting promotes. We’re also delighted that Larry Levine will be accompanying the service on guitar. Looking forward to seeing you here at 7:00pm!
Let My People Go
01/31/2025 08:39:57 AM
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In life, as in literature, it can feel like we are involved in an epic battle between good and evil, right and wrong, yetzer tov and yetzer hara. In between these two extremes, of course, exists the quotidian: getting our kids off to school, caring for a loved one, paying bills, and filing our taxes… But the moments that shape us most, in my experience, are the ones that are the most...Read more...
Wrestling with God and Life
01/24/2025 09:07:16 AM
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Lately, I’ve been thinking about patterns. Not visual or tactile patterns – the kind that we see on wallpaper, on tablecloths or in the design of our clothing. The patterns on my mind are the ones that are less concrete; invisible in fact to the naked eye. They pervade our day to day lives, and they have a great deal to do with how we function within them. Do you ever procrastinate, for...Read more...
Embarking On Hope
01/16/2025 08:55:44 AM
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I find myself thinking today of the games that animated my childhood. Some I owned and some I envied – meaning I did whatever I could to try to bring them out during playdates and sleepovers at friends’ houses who had them. Who remembers “Operation?” You had to use tiny metal grabbers to remove tiny bones from a cardboard figure, and if metal touched metal, the figure buzzed and the nose...Read more...
It's Complicated
01/09/2025 06:02:29 PM
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“What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see."
-Lin Manuel Miranda, Hamilton (2015)
My father-in-law, of blessed memory, was a complicated person. And complicated people, as many of us know, tend to leave a complicated legacy in their wake. This man had a personality the size of Texas, and he could fill any room he...Read more...
Back and Forth
12/20/2024 09:25:33 AM
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As I write these words, I am aware that we are approaching one more holiday. That would be New Year’s Eve. Not exactly an important Jewish holiday mind you, and certainly not our spiritual true north. If we search them out though, there are ideas with a Jewish bent that we can discern. The most prominent of these is that it is an opportunity to look back on the past and turn our eyes to the...Read more...
Chanukah Legacies, Light and Dark
12/19/2024 04:59:02 PM
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It is a hallmark of Jewish experience that wherever we have lived, we have both contributed and adapted to the different cultures surrounding us. Indeed, over the years we have folded a variety of ideas, rituals and flavors into our own traditions. Judaism’s ability to stretch in these was means that our stories have also gone through different incarnations, with different points of emphasis depending on the needs of the...Read more...
The Blessing of a Limp?
12/12/2024 05:15:44 PM
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Poke around the internet for five minutes, and you’ll find countless variations on the idea that diamonds, as stunning and resilient as they are, can only be formed under intense pressure. The message is clear: endure hardship, and you’ll emerge from your struggles with a crystalline perfection beyond imagination. Only by surviving immense burdens can you discover your resilience and transform into the brilliant gem you’re destined to...Read more...
Sat, February 22 2025
24 Shevat 5785
Today's Calendar
Shabbat Mevarchim |
Torah Study : 9:00am |
: 10:00am |
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Feb 22 |
Feb 23 Religous School Sunday, Feb 23 9:30am |
Feb 25 Rabbi's Office Hours Tuesday, Feb 25 1:00pm |
Feb 25 |
Feb 25 Hebrew School Tuesday, Feb 25 4:30pm |
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Shabbat, Feb 22 |
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